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The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life – Chapter 152


Chapter 152: Of course it was that person
ㅤAlmy-san burst into my room with a pale face. It had been about a month since I returned here.
ㅤDuring this time, I’ve been flying between the north and south continents, conquering dungeons and searching for engineers.
ㅤYesterday, I finally returned to the Demon King’s Castle, ate dinner with Almy-san, took a bath, and slept soundly.
ㅤThe next morning, this disastrous news came crashing down.

ㅤ”Minato! I-It’s terrible!”

ㅤ”Calm down, Almy-san. What happened?”

ㅤ”Ha-Hamilton-san is…”

ㅤ”Hamilton? Could it be, he’s been detained by the Tree Country?”

ㅤThe Mistradia Tree Country still hasn’t officially recognized the Demon Kingdom.
ㅤThey insist it’s a nation established by thieves, and there was a risk they might detain Hamilton, who went there for negotiations – we had anticipated that.

ㅤ”N-No, that’s not it. We’ve lost contact with Hamilton-san, but someone who said they were your acquaintance from the Tree Country rushed to Celesta…”

ㅤ”Eh, what do you mean? By acquaintance, do you mean Sherry-san or Lewis?”

ㅤ”The person called Lewis. A male magician, they said.”

ㅤ”What did Lewis say?”

ㅤ”L-Look at this.”

ㅤAlmy-san handed me a wrinkled letter.

ㅤI unfolded it and read it through once.


ㅤMy mind went blank.

ㅤI reread the text once more.

ㅤBut the contents remained unchanged.

ㅤ”Hamilton… a rebellion?”

ㅤI muttered in astonishment.

ㅤ”Yes… I just don’t understand what’s going on…”

ㅤAlmy-san said, flustered.

ㅤ(It’s only natural for Almy-san to be shaken.)

ㅤTo be honest, I’m shaken too.

ㅤIt was a situation we hadn’t imagined in the slightest.

ㅤI summarized what was written in the letter.

ㅤ”According to Lewis, Hamilton, who was in charge of negotiations with the Tree Country as the Demon Kingdom’s plenipotentiary, suddenly disappeared. The Tree Country Patrol Knights – Sherry-san and the others – who frantically searched for him, discovered a suspicious group entrenched in the Mist Forest Dungeon Ruins. This group was composed of demons, and leading them was Hamilton.”

ㅤ”That’s a lie. Why would Hamilton-san do such a thing?”

ㅤ”Wait. Let’s organize the information first.
ㅤHamilton has declared independence from the Demon Kingdom and claims the entire Mist Forest area as the territory of the 『Demon Co-Prosperity Sphere』. He and his group repelled the Patrol Knights who tried to enter…”

ㅤThat being said, Sherry-san and her knights are also quite capable.
ㅤApparently, Sherry-san, averse to armed conflict, withdrew temporarily to observe the situation.

ㅤ”That can’t be true!”

ㅤAlmy-san cried out.

ㅤ(For Almy-san, Hamilton is both a veteran retainer and a father-like figure.)

ㅤBut I find it hard to believe as well.

ㅤHamilton, who swore to me with tears in his eyes that he would dedicate his life to this task.
ㅤI can’t believe that was a lie or an act.

ㅤ”…But I also can’t believe that the letter Sherry-san entrusted to Lewis and sent to us is a lie.”

ㅤIt wasn’t an official letter from the Tree Country, but something Sherry-san had her younger brother, Lewis, bring directly to us.
ㅤI can’t imagine Sherry-san, who is the epitome of chivalry, would lie to lure me into a trap.
ㅤ…Well, Lewis would probably do it if necessary.

ㅤ『An official messenger from the Tree Country has arrived at the embassy in Celesta.』

ㅤElminarsh said.

ㅤ『The Mistradia Tree Country has accused the Demon Kingdom of being embroiled in internal conflict. They claim that the Demon Kingdom promised not to let loose dangerous demons who do not obey the Demon King. If that promise is true, they demand that the group of demons occupying the Mist Forest be swiftly eliminated.』

ㅤI gritted my teeth at Elminarsh’s words.

ㅤ”…It’s true that the Demon Kingdom promised to accept demons while also taking responsibility for executing dangerous demons who refuse to be accepted.”


ㅤ”The demons scattered throughout the land are nothing but terrorists to the current system. By accepting them, the Demon Kingdom’s reputation would suffer, but I thought it would be better than leaving them alone.”

ㅤ『That plan wasn’t wrong. The leaders of each country, seeing the reality, decided to entrust the Demon Kingdom with the acceptance and execution of demons. Or rather, they had no choice but to do so.』

ㅤ”If the rebellion is true, the Demon Kingdom must execute the rebellious demons. Moreover, we need to take strict action that will serve as a warning for the future.”

ㅤ”Wait, Minato! There’s no way Hamilton-san would do such a thing…!”

ㅤ”I know!
ㅤBut we need to confirm the facts first. It might be a misunderstanding on Sherry-san’s part…”

ㅤBut Sherry-san isn’t the type of person to say such a thing based on a misunderstanding.
ㅤShe sent Lewis to inform us before the official messenger from the Tree Country arrived.

ㅤAfter thinking for a while, I said,

ㅤ”…Alright. I’ll go.”

ㅤThe demon I had entrusted with the full authority of the Demon Kingdom had started a rebellion and occupied the territory of another country.
ㅤIn this situation, I can’t afford to worry about the Demon King’s dignity.

ㅤ”Almy-san, wait here.”

ㅤThis might be incredibly painful for Almy-san.
ㅤThinking that, I said those words, but

ㅤ”No. I’m going too.”

ㅤAlmy-san said resolutely.

ㅤ”But what if… what if Hamilton really betrayed us?”

ㅤ”That’s why I have to go. If he really betrayed us, it’s my responsibility for believing in him. I… I will be the one to strike down Hamilton-san.”


ㅤIt’s hard to imagine from her usual demeanor, but Almy-san is originally the vessel that inherits the power of the Demon Sword Almirarsh.
ㅤI might have the advantage in a magic battle, but if it came to close combat, even I wouldn’t be able to defeat Almy-san.

ㅤHamilton is also a veteran of the Four Heavenly Demon Generals and possesses considerable power.
ㅤHowever, it’s unlikely he could defeat either me or Almy-san.

ㅤHe probably wouldn’t even be able to defeat Grunblin.
ㅤGrunblin fought alongside us in Elminarsh’s trial.
ㅤIt seems that in the past, Hamilton was either on par with Grunblin or slightly stronger, but now Grunblin is the stronger one.

ㅤAs for Boroneal… well, in a head-on fight, Hamilton would probably still have the advantage.
ㅤHowever, when it comes to underhanded tactics, which are common in situations like rebellions and nation-building, he could easily outmaneuver Hamilton.

ㅤ(That’s why it’s strange.)

ㅤIt’s unlikely that Hamilton is misjudging his own strength.
ㅤThe fact that Almy-san and I reign over this country as the Twin Demon Kings isn’t just a title.
ㅤHamilton knows that very well.

ㅤ(The Demon Co-Prosperity Sphere, was it? It’s clear that such a thing wouldn’t stand a chance against the Demon Kingdom.
ㅤThe group of demons is probably the disgruntled demons from various regions that Hamilton had been connecting with…)

ㅤI can still understand why disgruntled demons from various regions who are unfamiliar with the Demon Kingdom’s circumstances would join the rebellion.
ㅤThey might be swayed if Hamilton, a former Four Heavenly Demon General with great popularity, called them to action.
ㅤEmotionally, the demons’ honest desire should be to vent their resentment after being sealed in the Netherworld for so many years.
ㅤAlmy-san and I are suppressing those feelings.

ㅤ(Was Hamilton the same? Did he want to avenge the demons’ long-held grudges? Did he decide to build his own nation because he felt he couldn’t achieve that within the Demon Kingdom?)

ㅤIt’s not illogical.
ㅤBut would “Hamilton the Steadfast,” who is so devoted to Almy-san, betray her so easily?

ㅤ(Could it be… that that God did something?)

ㅤRemembering the frivolous God’s smile, I involuntarily glared at the empty air.

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life

Score 6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2017 Native Language: Japanese
Minato, a 16-year-old girl burdened by a lifetime of misfortune, meets an untimely end at the hands of her own father. Instead of finding peace in death, she’s met by a well-meaning but naive God who offers her reincarnation into a fantasy world filled with magic and adventure. Minato, jaded by her past, initially refuses, but God insists, granting her a special power: the ability to change the difficulty of her new life, just like in a video game. Reincarnated into the body of a young girl, Minato finds herself in a harsh and dangerous world where she’s immediately captured by goblins. Using her “Difficulty Change” ability, she effortlessly escapes and sets off on a journey to navigate this strange new world. Along the way, she discovers a hidden talent for both thievery and magic, garnering the attention of various guilds and adventurers, including the headstrong Latifa, an illegitimate noblewoman determined to win the prince’s heart.


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