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The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life – Chapter 163


Chapter 163: Attack on Zamzaria’s Royal Capital
ㅤ◆???’s Perspective


ㅤThe gatekeeper blocked the man’s path as he approached the gate to the city.

ㅤZalbuck, the royal capital of the Zamzaria Kingdom, is the largest city on the Northern Continent.
ㅤIts population exceeds 200,000.
ㅤIt is a robust fortress city, with high walls surrounding the central district.
ㅤThere are gates in three directions of the wall, excluding the east.

ㅤThe man in the black coat was stopped in front of the south gate.

ㅤHe was a man in a hooded black coat.
ㅤOvergrown blond hair, a long, unkempt beard, sunken eye sockets, and in contrast, glittering blue eyes.
ㅤThe gatekeeper who stopped him flinched at the man’s overwhelming presence.

ㅤBut, looking closely, the gatekeeper noticed the man’s coat drooping at the shoulders.
ㅤHe quickly realized the man had no arms.

ㅤThen, there was no need to fear this man.
ㅤEven if he were a magician, a sword would be faster at this distance.
ㅤThe gatekeeper was relatively skilled with a sword among the soldiers.

ㅤ(What am I scared of? I can handle this guy.)

ㅤThe gatekeeper reassured himself and approached the man.


ㅤThe man said, sounding displeased.

ㅤ”What what? You need a pass to get through here.”

ㅤ”A pass…”

ㅤThe man muttered as if he didn’t know what it was.

ㅤ”That’s right. Don’t you know? Only those with confirmed identities can enter Zalbuck’s old city district. Those who don’t should go to the new city district outside the walls. You can take care of most matters there.”

ㅤ”I have business at the castle.”

ㅤ”The castle? Do you have an appointment?”

ㅤ”I don’t have such a thing.”

ㅤ”Then I can’t let you through.”

ㅤThe gatekeeper couldn’t help but feel uneasy about the man in front of him.

ㅤBut, as a gatekeeper, he encountered strange people at a certain rate.
ㅤThose who insisted they were summoned by the King, those who believed they were of noble birth, those who claimed the King was watching them and demanded it be stopped immediately.
ㅤIn short, the ramblings of madmen.

ㅤ(This guy is probably one of them. Oh well… If I handle him poorly, he’ll start rampaging and causing a scene.)

ㅤThe gatekeeper’s job was not only to reject people forcefully, but also to politely ask them to leave.


ㅤ”Is that so? That’s unfortunate.”

ㅤThe man backed down unexpectedly easily.

ㅤJust as the gatekeeper was about to breathe a sigh of relief,


ㅤThe gatekeeper was choked by something and lifted into the air.


ㅤThe gatekeeper looked down at his neck.

ㅤThere was a pale, glowing arm.
ㅤThe man’s coat was flung open, and a semi-transparent, pale arm, seemingly made of gathered light, extended from within.
ㅤFingertips that didn’t seem solid were gripping his throat, refusing to let go.

ㅤThe gatekeeper’s feet were dangling in the air.
ㅤHe desperately flailed his legs, trying to escape.

ㅤThe force of his struggles knocked the man’s hood off.

ㅤHe hadn’t noticed before because of the overgrown blond hair and beard, but the gatekeeper recognized the man’s face.

ㅤHe had seen it at the castle.

ㅤTrying to remember who it was, he finally realized.

ㅤ”Y-you’re… Creti…”

ㅤThe man, his face twisted in delight, crushed the gatekeeper’s throat.

ㅤ”Kukuku, a pass, you say?”

ㅤThe man laughed.

ㅤ”This me, God’s Agent, needs a pass? Fuhahaha, it’s so ridiculous it’s laughable.”


ㅤThe other soldiers nearby noticed the commotion and pointed their spears at the man.

ㅤMore soldiers gathered while the man stood still.
ㅤThey surrounded him, pointing the tips of their spears at him.

ㅤ”…Is this all?”

ㅤThe man muttered.


ㅤ”With this level of opposition, I won’t even need to lower the difficulty. No, I’ll raise it instead. It seems I gain more experience by defeating enemies on higher difficulties.”

ㅤ”W-what are you talking about?”

ㅤ”Th-that guy! Isn’t that Cretias!? The former Royal Guard Knight who’s on the wanted list…”

ㅤThe soldiers finally realized the man’s identity.

ㅤ”Come on, stab me.”

ㅤCretias said.


ㅤ”I’m telling you to stab me. Like this.”

ㅤCretias grabbed the tip of one of the spears with his pale, glowing hand.
ㅤHe pulled the tip towards his chest.

ㅤ”Have you gone mad, Cretias!”

ㅤ”What are you talking about? You’re the ones who are mad. Pointing your spears at God’s Agent.”

ㅤ”G-God’s Agent? That’s His Majesty! You, not satisfied with your rampage as a Special Envoy Knight, dare to insult our sacred King as well!”

ㅤ”Does it bother you? Then stab me. Come on, come on!”

ㅤCretias leaned into the spear.
ㅤThe tip approached his chest.
ㅤCretias wasn’t wearing armor.
ㅤThe sharp tip tore through his tattered clothes, and blood flowed from Cretias’s chest.

ㅤ”Ku… C-capture him!”

ㅤThe soldier who seemed to be the leader gave the order.
ㅤTwo sasumata (man-catcher poles) were thrust from between the spears.
ㅤThey intended to restrain Cretias’s movements from the front and back using the sasumata.


ㅤ”How boring. This isn’t even training.”

ㅤCretias moved.

ㅤThe soldiers reacted and thrust their spears.
ㅤThey had just been ordered to capture him, but… they were scared.
ㅤOf the man in front of them.
ㅤIt was an almost instinctive fear.

ㅤIn an instant, the encirclement of spears narrowed.
ㅤThe spears collided with each other, making a high-pitched metallic sound.

ㅤThe one who was skewered in the center was, of course, not Cretias…

ㅤ”Gu… Gufu…”

ㅤThe one who was skewered, coughing up blood and dying, was the soldier whose spear tip Cretias had been holding.

ㅤThe soldiers were shaken by the death of their comrade.

ㅤBehind them stood Cretias, with his pale, glowing arms.

ㅤ”It’s supposed to be Inferno, but even at this difficulty, opponents of this level are no longer satisfying.”

ㅤTwo pale arms flashed through the air.

ㅤSlash marks were carved across the soldiers’ bodies.
ㅤThe more than ten soldiers fell apart along those lines, collapsing to the ground all at once with a wet thud.


ㅤA soldier who had been behind them and luckily survived screamed.

ㅤThat soldier was sliced vertically from head to groin, collapsing left and right while scattering his internal organs.

ㅤCretias checked his left and right arms.
ㅤHis arms had transformed from the elbows down, becoming like thin-bladed swords.


ㅤScreams erupted around them.
ㅤIt was the middle of the day, in front of the gate.
ㅤThere were many merchants, servants, and other people around.

ㅤ”Should I kill these guys too? No, the experience would be too meager. But, they could become drop items.”

ㅤCretias disappeared.
ㅤThe next moment, silence returned to the front of the gate.
ㅤCitizens crumbled into pieces of flesh and blood.
ㅤIn the middle of the pool of blood, Cretias stood, looking bored.

ㅤ”Civilians are only good for potions at best.
ㅤAs I thought, I need to go further to gain experience and get good drop items.”

ㅤCretias started walking toward the castle visible beyond the gate.

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life

Score 6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2017 Native Language: Japanese
Minato, a 16-year-old girl burdened by a lifetime of misfortune, meets an untimely end at the hands of her own father. Instead of finding peace in death, she’s met by a well-meaning but naive God who offers her reincarnation into a fantasy world filled with magic and adventure. Minato, jaded by her past, initially refuses, but God insists, granting her a special power: the ability to change the difficulty of her new life, just like in a video game. Reincarnated into the body of a young girl, Minato finds herself in a harsh and dangerous world where she’s immediately captured by goblins. Using her “Difficulty Change” ability, she effortlessly escapes and sets off on a journey to navigate this strange new world. Along the way, she discovers a hidden talent for both thievery and magic, garnering the attention of various guilds and adventurers, including the headstrong Latifa, an illegitimate noblewoman determined to win the prince’s heart.


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