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I Reincarnated as the Captain of a Battleship in a Robot Anime, but at This Rate, I’m Going to Be Assassinated – Chapter 28

Even When Wearing a Mask, It's Surprisingly Obvious, But There's a Lot of Kindness in Not Saying It

Chapter 28: Even When Wearing a Mask, It’s Surprisingly Obvious, But There’s a Lot of Kindness in Not Saying It
  The enemy commander’s speech wasn’t very long. Most of the content was simple, starting with criticism of the government and ending with criticism of the rebel organization, almost as an afterthought. Regarding the doubts cast upon them, there was only one word: groundless. There was no further response beyond that.
  In a way, that could be taken as an admission, or as a sign that there was no need to get involved in lies.
  Regardless of the damage to the organization as a whole, it seemed that the man Fauden had not suffered any damage at all.
  There’s a word for it, “brazen,” but Shougo still couldn’t tell if this man deserved it.
  He didn’t understand the man Fauden.
  “What an incredible man.”
  He wondered if there had ever been a man like this in the world and time he had come from.
  There are anime characters who have undeniable charisma. That’s partly due to creative, meta reasons, and the fact that it’s a setting, but the impact of such a being appearing in front of you in reality is tremendous.
  It’s a bigger shock than when he met Yuuki, the protagonist, or Mark, the character who showed overwhelming strength.
  “Is defeating this guy my goal? And the one I want to punch?”
  Anyway, Shougo reaffirmed that, and took a deep breath.
  Then he clenched both fists tightly and loosened them. He told himself that this would relieve his tension.
  “The enemy’s lofty speech is over. As you all know, that is the Commander-in-Chief. He’s saying pretty things. No, some of it is probably true. But that doesn’t mean that the way he condones planetary destruction and massacres is right. If he had a legitimate, justifiable opinion, he should have become a politician, run for office, and become president. The fact that he didn’t do that means he just ran away.”
  Shougo continued, making sure to check on Franny, who was sitting next to him.
  She seemed to be listening silently. There was no look of despair on her face.
  “To seize our freedom, we must defeat the organization that Fauden has built. We must expose the negative aspects of what he has created and clear ourselves of the crimes that have been unjustly placed upon us. And at the same time, for the future of the ladies on board this ship.”
  Shougo stood up and gave the order.
  “Advance towards Planet Belbeck. We will do what we must!”
  Inside the Mirandora hangar.
  The combat maneuver training was cramped inside the cockpit, repeatedly going through a course with the risk of collision, having to listen to Lieutenant Mark’s shouting, and having to process a lot of information, which made Yuuki drenched in sweat.
  Normally, the pilot suit should absorb this kind of sweat, but it seemed to be just a placebo, and Yuuki, who wasn’t used to this feeling, was in a heavy, humid environment.
  He hadn’t sweat this much even during his first battle, when he saved Franny, but that was a very short battle.
  Moreover, being told to listen to the enemy’s speech made his head spin.
  But…… hearing the Commander-in-Chief’s words, the content, and above all, the sight of a father who didn’t say a word about his daughter, Yuuki felt a quiet anger.
  “What the h*ll is with that guy?”
  Yuuki had only seen the man Fauden in photographs. This was the first time he had heard his voice live.
  There was no doubt that he was the most hated person by the inhabitants of the colony planets, but he still had the image of someone from a faraway country.
  But when he recognized him again, Yuuki couldn’t bring himself to like this man.
  “Oh man, he can say whatever he wants!”
  Anish, who had also become a pilot for the Mirandora, puffed out her cheeks in anger as she brushed back her long, sweat-soaked hair. Her straightforward expression of emotion was refreshing, and he thought that she was indeed the usual Anish.
  During training, she was, as expected of a security force member, a girl who had also been to space. She seemed to be a quick learner, and although she was a beat behind the regular soldiers’ movements, she was keeping up.
  Unlike himself.
  “He’s making it sound like we colonists are the bad guys!”
  Fauden’s words were something that Yuuki wanted to shout that it wasn’t a joke from the perspective of the colonists.
  “He takes taxes needlessly!”
  “But it’s also true that there’s an army patrolling with those taxes.”
  Mark’s voice could be heard from above.
  He was slowly descending from his machine in zero gravity. The other members were with him.
  “We were taught that we were originally from Earth. Most of the colony planets were pioneered by people who did it on their own.”
  “What’s that supposed to mean? That’s a blatant accusation!”
  Anish retorted, but Mark just brushed it off.
  “That’s politics. Approval ratings and stuff. Well, anyway, it’s a boring story. But even if it’s boring, the military has to protect civilians. Even if it’s a distant colony, regular patrols are necessary. But it takes money to move the military. Earth’s resources alone aren’t enough to keep it going. Naturally, it’s only natural that colonies within the Earth nation’s framework are asked to contribute money.”
  Mark had a point.
  But the reality was that they were given outdated equipment and left to the local vigilante organizations.
  However, Yuuki thought that if it was due to the large-scale Frontier Project, they might not be able to blame Earth too much.
  “Then why didn’t they stop such a difficult development?”
  “I don’t know. That’s for the bigwigs to think about.”
  Mark answered Yuuki’s question readily.
  “Civilians can’t just say they’re going to develop a planet tomorrow and get permission. In the end, it’s the country that decides. They tell you that they’re going to send you to some planet by a certain date, and that’s it. But that’s an old story. It was during our grandfathers’ and great-grandfathers’ time. The consequences of that are coming back to haunt us now. We can’t just bring all the humans scattered on the planets back to Earth at once. The colonies in Earth’s sphere are already full.”
  Currently, the development of new planets was not permitted unless they had considerable resource value.
  Planets that had already been developed were largely seen as relics of the past.
  It could be said that Yuuki’s generation was the one left behind.
  “Well, I don’t care who develops where. I’m the kind of guy who can only do this kind of work, and if I couldn’t, I’d be a thug. The thrill of fighting, that’s all I need. That’s what the military allows. No consequences, right? But if anyone tries to mess with me, I’ll bite back, even if it’s the organization. Hahaha, I guess I’m really cut out for this kind of thing.”
  Mark laughed loudly and slapped Yuuki on the back.
  “Don’t think too hard, kid. You don’t need to think about the world like you’re a grown-up. You can only get away with punching someone you hate until you’re a kid. I want to make the organization that betrayed us pay, and you guys want to complain to the guys who are trying to destroy your home. That’s reason enough. I think that’s a more valid opinion than using all those fancy words.”
  With that, Mark took his subordinates and left.
  As the captain, he was a busy man who had to come up with the next training menu and submit reports. At the same time, he had to look after amateurs like himself.
  ‘He’s a busy man.’
  He had thought he would be scarier.
  No, he was probably a scary person. He said he had no qualms about killing the enemy if ordered to. But he would probably choose who to kill. He didn’t seem evil enough to kill unarmed civilians. But what if he were an enemy?
  He would probably kill him without mercy. The rules within him might make him do that.
  In that sense, he was glad he wasn’t an enemy.
  “Humph, I’ll give them a piece of my mind even if they don’t tell me to. More importantly, Yuuki, aren’t you being a bit rough with your piloting? Look, even that turn just now……”
  “Hey, wait a minute, I’m tired.”
  “Idiot, it’s no use if you can’t do it when you’re tired. Come on, let’s check. Where did that monkey go? He’s taking data, isn’t he? Look back at it and find your weaknesses.”
  “I get it, so don’t pull my arm. Thoth, Thoth, come here.”
  Yes, before talking about difficult things, they needed to survive by any means necessary.
  The enemy would come after them. To ward off their evil hands, they had to train and repel the enemy. They needed a certain amount of strength to talk back or punch someone.
  The quickest way to gain an equal footing was this. They had to accept that.
  But there was no doubt that the underlying desire was not to die.
  That feeling should not be denied.
  After that, the Mirandora made several warps and approached the area where it was only a short distance to Belbeck. After two days had passed, tension began to rise. Belbeck was only a day away at maximum speed.
  It was only natural to be on combat alert when they got this close. However, the crew’s rest was done in shifts. It seemed that it was better not to push their bodies too hard as the battle approached.
  Even the captain wasn’t always on the bridge. Fortunately, Major Kes was the replacement at the moment.
  However, there was a small problem for Shougo here.
  “……Excuse me. Am I interrupting?”
  “Oh, no…… rather, aren’t you busy?”
  For some reason, Yuri was there.
  At first, she had only been carrying laundry, food, and cleaning, but it seemed that the frequency had increased in the last few days. Of course, she didn’t carry documents, but he saw her eight times a day.
  Whenever he tried to do paperwork, she would always make him tea or coffee.
  “As the battle approaches, I get scared…… I have to find something to do, it’s pathetic, but……”
  Yuri said she would be 32 this year, but she was still young. She was a beautiful woman who didn’t look her age at all. And Shougo was younger than her in terms of his original age, and he had never been in a relationship with a woman.
  He couldn’t stand having a beautiful woman near him all the time.
  “What about Franny-ojōsama……?”
  She was supposed to be Franny’s attendant, after all.
  “I thought it would be better for her to be with someone her own age.”
  The boys and girls had been lively these past few days.
  Or rather, they looked like they were in a romantic comedy. Yuuki and Anish were close but not too close, like friends, but Franny seemed to have fallen in love with Yuuki at first sight. He didn’t know if it was because he had saved her life, or if it was for meta reasons, because of her role as the heroine, but in any case, it must be hard on Yuuki.
  At the same time, he thought that Franny also wanted to relieve her anxiety.
  But then, what about Yuri? She was older, and although she taught them, it wasn’t all the time. She would probably feel awkward being with them otherwise, and she hadn’t yet built a relationship where she could talk to the other crew members.
  She could talk to the life support staff about work, though.
  She might be the most isolated person on this ship in a way. Moreover, the shuttle captain was still in the infirmary bed.
  “……I don’t mind, but……”
  “I’m sorry. I’m restless. I’m scared. And it’s disrespectful to say this, but…… I can’t help but think what would happen if this ship were to be shot down……”
  “Everyone is thinking the same thing. That’s why everyone is working so hard to prevent that from happening. Well, it’s true that we’re currently isolated and helpless, so I understand your anxiety. Honestly, I’m worried about that too. I’m thinking that we have to somehow overcome this situation.”
  Yes, they wouldn’t be able to make a move unless they somehow managed to join up with a major rebel force. That’s why they had to hurry to Belbeck.
  He didn’t think it would ease their anxiety, though.
  “You’ve been caught up in this, so your fear and anger are justified. And I think I’m in a position to speak for you, so, um…… well, what can I say, oh, don’t worry!”
  He was clumsy with words.
  He couldn’t find anything else to say. It was his first time being alone with a beautiful woman.
  Besides, Shougo wasn’t so insensitive that he didn’t realize that he was being relied on in some way. But even so, he didn’t know what to do or how to do it.
  He couldn’t think of any witty words.
  He was racking his brains for something to say when the alarm went off.
  Yuri flinched at the sound and cowered. Shougo immediately opened the communication line.
  “What’s going on?”
  『It’s the light of battle.』
  It was Kes’ voice.
  “Battle? What do you mean?”
  『Judging from the ship types, it’s a battle between the Earth forces and the rebel forces. It looks like the rebel forces are fleeing and being pursued.』
  “Could it be…… the rebel forces on Belbeck?”
  『It’s highly likely. Come to the bridge immediately.』
  Shougo answered curtly and turned around.
  Yuri was trembling and her face was pale.
  Shougo rushed over to her and patted her shoulder.
  “It’s okay. If we just focus on running away, we won’t sink. We’ll be thirsty after the battle, so please prepare something to drink.”
  With that, Shougo left the captain’s office.
  On his way to the bridge, he passed Mark. Mark patted him on the back.
  When he turned around, Mark winked at him.
  “You’re a ladies’ man, aren’t you?”
  “Don’t be ridiculous. Hurry up and get ready for battle.”
  “Aye, sir.”
  He saluted and left.
  Soon, he arrived at the bridge. It was noisy.
  “What’s the situation?”
  “We’ve confirmed that there are three rebel ships. One of them has been sunk. The enemy fleet consists of four ships.”
  “They must have been ambushed. Do you know which unit that is?”
  “……I believe it’s Janet’s fleet.”
  “That fast?”
  It was an unexpected answer.
  He had expected Janet’s fleet to move, but he hadn’t expected them to launch an attack so quickly.
  However, they had had three days, including rest periods. It might not have been impossible.
  “Janet’s fleet, huh…… I’d like to think we can reason with them, but she seemed stubborn.”
  That red-haired female captain seemed to be quite the military type.
  How could they get out of this? He wondered if he should rely on the Trismegistus’ performance here. As he continued to ponder, there was a new development.
  Clart let out a cry of astonishment.
  “The enemy Teurugia squadron is heading straight for us. C-communication line!?”
  At the same time, a forced communication line was opened.
  On the main monitor, there was a strange pilot. He was wearing an ornate eye mask, the kind you might see at a masquerade ball, and a veil covered his mouth.
  His strange face filled the monitor.
  『That’s all right…… I found you, space pirates! No, wait……!』
  A shout.
  A strange tension.
  『The devil’s ship that disturbs the peace of space! Break!』
  But Shougo recognized the voice.
  “……Technical Captain Percy Lightmilia?”
  No matter how he heard it, it was his voice.
  “What is he doing…… what happened to him……?”

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(🇯🇵)I Reincarnated as the Captain of a Battleship in a Robot Anime, but at This Rate, I’m Going to Be Assassinated

(🇯🇵)I Reincarnated as the Captain of a Battleship in a Robot Anime, but at This Rate, I’m Going to Be Assassinated

Score 8
Status: Completed Type: Author: Released: 2020 Native Language: Japanese
Shougo Hamagishi, an ordinary Japanese office worker, finds himself unexpectedly thrust into the world of the canceled robot anime "Trismegistus: New Order," becoming the incompetent Lieutenant Commander Jowain Date. With only twelve hours until the start of the anime's first episode, he faces a dire situation: Jowain is destined to die, betrayed by his own subordinate after committing a planetary massacre. Desperate to survive, Shougo decides to alter the original story. He manipulates events, exposes the corruption within New Balance, and eventually defects to the Rebel Army, dragging most of his crew with him. He even recruits the anime's protagonist, Yuuki, to pilot the powerful Trismegistus, but the story quickly spirals out of control.


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