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The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life – Chapter 141


Chapter 141: I’m worried the sky is going to fall
ㅤAfter chartering a ship in Celesta, we returned to the Kielhen Islands, and from there, we returned to Demon King’s Castle Elminarsh via the Transfer Ruins.

ㅤ”Ah, welcome back, Minato”

ㅤ”I’m home, Almy”

ㅤGreeted by a face that resembles my own, I return the greeting.

ㅤ(She’s really cute after all.)

ㅤTo put it mildly, I think Almirash-san is a beautiful girl.
ㅤJust the fact that she has translucent light blue hair and eyes makes her impression different, even though we have the same face.

ㅤ(But, when I praise Almy’s appearance, it feels like I’m indirectly praising myself, which makes me feel uncomfortable.)

ㅤI’ve never thought of myself as a beautiful girl in my entire life.

ㅤ”How was Celesta?”

ㅤAlmy asks.
ㅤThis is a shared space for me and Almy, set up in a corner of the Demon King’s Castle.
ㅤIt’s not like we’re living together or anything. It was a place prepared for meetings between the Demon Kings.

ㅤAlmy brings two cups of coffee, brewed with a coffee maker, and places them on the dining table.

ㅤ”Thank you. Well, for now, it went as expected.”

ㅤAfter that, I stayed in Celesta for about three days.

ㅤI was waiting for Harriet-san’s reply, but I also had the purpose of gathering information about the demons scattered throughout the various regions.

ㅤI hired Jit-san, who is well-informed, and established an embassy |(temporary) in Celesta as an overseas branch of the Demon Kingdom.
ㅤI persuaded the village chief of Hope Village, who had lost his destination, to become the ambassador and serve as the point of contact with Celesta from now on.
ㅤThe village chief is a former Celesta Navy soldier, and despite not being there for over 20 years, he still holds a high reputation.

ㅤWhile I was hastily setting up such a system, I received a reply from Harriet-san in less than two days.

ㅤ”She said they haven’t decided whether to recognize us as a nation yet. But, they want to dispatch naval warships to confirm the territorial waters with the Demon Kingdom. Therefore, they want us to send out a ship as well.”

ㅤIt’s a bit strange to confirm territorial waters without recognizing us as a nation.
ㅤIt seems like they’re trying to gauge our naval power under the guise of an excuse.

ㅤ”A ship, huh? I wonder if we have no choice but to send out that.”

ㅤAlmy says, tilting her head.

ㅤ”We only have the amphibious aircraft, you know. I wanted to send out a normal ship.”

ㅤThe only seafaring vessel that Demon King’s Castle Elminarsh possesses is an amphibious aircraft, which is essentially a transport plane with pontoons attached.
ㅤIts loading capacity is not inferior to Celesta’s transport ships. Being able to fly, it’s obviously more convenient than a ship.

ㅤ”There are no airplanes in this world. If a ship suddenly started flying, it would cause more than just a territorial dispute.”

ㅤ”The Celesta Navy would probably feel intimidated.”

ㅤAlmy nods at my grumbling.

ㅤ(Because, it’s a flying ship, right? It’s a much bigger threat than Oceanus or Kraken.)

ㅤNaturally, the amphibious aircraft can carry bombs.
ㅤIt also has a considerable range, and Celesta is well within its round-trip radius. If we add additional fuel tanks, it seems like it can even reach the Mist Forest.
ㅤIn addition, we have other dedicated fighter planes and bombers that are not amphibious.

ㅤ”But, it would be a waste not to use what we have just because of appearances. Considering the future increase in trips to and from Celesta, it would be quite troublesome to rely on the Transfer Ruins and ships.”

ㅤThinking about it, it might be less troublesome to show it to them now.

ㅤ”What Celesta wants from the Demon Kingdom is probably the guarantee of safe sea routes. And also, probably rear support in case the Mistradia Tree Country to the north attacks in the future.”

ㅤ”Um, in any case, it wouldn’t hurt to show them our strength, right?”

ㅤ”Yeah, well, I don’t intend to take sides in a war between Celesta and the Tree Country.”

ㅤSherry-san and her brother, whom I met in the Mist Forest, are also in the Tree Country.
ㅤThe Tree Country itself will likely have to deal with the northern superpower, Zamzaria, so they might not have the leeway to bother with Celesta.
ㅤBut conversely, they might also set their sights on Celesta’s wealth and naval power to fight Zamzaria.

ㅤThen, a voice is heard from the room’s speaker.

ㅤ『Minato. In that case, why not simply bring both countries under the Demon Kingdom’s rule? The difference in military strength is overwhelming.』

ㅤElminarsh, the magical intelligence that manages the Demon King’s Castle, said.

ㅤ”It’s not the right time yet. Demons are scheming all over the world, and every country is on edge. If the Demon Kingdom takes a hard-line approach at such a time, the countries will rebel. We’ll make enemies of not only the military but also adventurers and civilians.”

ㅤ”If that happens, the Guardian System we’ve worked so hard on won’t spread, will it?”

ㅤ”Not only that, I think people will flock to the conventional Grandmaster System. Then, G*d will have exactly what he wants.”

ㅤWe are trying to propose the Guardian Guild and Guardian System as a replacement for the conventional system that supports adventurers – the Grandmaster System.
ㅤBy doing so, we want to slowly dismantle the adventurer system, which was built on the sacrifice of certain races, and have them switch to a new and fair system – the Guardian System.
ㅤTherefore, we don’t want to do anything that would provoke the world right now.

ㅤAlmy said anxiously.

ㅤ”I wonder if G*d is aware of our movements?”

ㅤ”Probably. He’ll definitely know that the Demon King’s Castle has been revived. But, we don’t know what kind of measures he’ll take against it.”

ㅤWhat I’m most worried about is reincarnation.
ㅤJust like he brought me to this world, there’s a possibility that he will select a new human from Earth, reincarnate them, and incite them against the Demon King.

ㅤ『Regarding the reincarnation that Minato is worried about, it shouldn’t be something that can be done easily. The number of souls that can cross the boundary of worlds is limited. It would be difficult unless they are someone with the potential to become a Demon King.』

ㅤ”No, since it worked with me, I think it’s possible that there are others out there.”

ㅤ『Minato, your self-esteem is too low.
ㅤBesides, even if there were such a person in Minato’s world. Since it hasn’t been that long since Minato was reincarnated, summoning another reincarnated person would endanger the boundary of the worlds. When the boundary fluctuates, the first to be damaged is the existence closest to the boundary – in other words, G*d himself.』

ㅤ”So that’s how it is.”

ㅤ『That’s how it is.』

ㅤWe’ve had this conversation several times, but I still can’t fully grasp it.
ㅤI can’t believe that I’m special, so I think that if I could do it, others can too.

ㅤ”What other moves do you think G*d might make?”

ㅤAlmy said.

ㅤ”It’s a bit late to ask, but what can G*d actually do?”

ㅤ『G*d cannot interfere with individual events. All G*d can do is change the rules. The most likely possibility is that he will modify the Grandmaster System that grants power to adventurers.』

ㅤ”Like adventurers suddenly becoming stronger?”

ㅤ『It probably won’t be sudden. The power and grade of drop items obtained by defeating monsters will increase, leading to a long-term increase in the fighting power of adventurers. That’s what I’m assuming.』

ㅤ”But, that can’t be done so easily, right? Drop items don’t appear out of thin air.”

ㅤ『G*d should have some leeway left to stabilize the system. There’s a risk that he’ll use that leeway. According to the Elminarsh System’s estimation, he likely has a margin of 20% to 50%.』

ㅤ”A 1.5 times experience and drop item campaign, huh?”

ㅤIt sounds kind of underwhelming when you put it that way.
ㅤIf this were an online game advertisement, I’d probably think, “I wish they would make it at least 3 times.”
ㅤTo that extent, it would be much faster for me to make a killing with Difficulty Change.

ㅤBy the way, the “Difficulty Change” ability I received from G*d is working without any problems so far.
ㅤMaybe he can’t take back something he’s already given.

ㅤ(Well, even if it’s taken away now, it’s not a problem. I’ve become strong enough, and I’ve accumulated quite a lot of items. I even have the power of the Demon King.)

ㅤI take a sip of coffee before saying.

ㅤ”Hmm… Hearing that, I feel like we don’t need to worry about G*d that much.”

ㅤ『That’s what I’ve been saying.』

ㅤ”You don’t know, right? It’s scary to be resented by someone. Even an opponent who shouldn’t have much power can do unexpected things to get revenge.”

ㅤWhat we’re trying to do is usurp the world from G*d.
ㅤWe’re trying to deny G*d’s very reason for existence.
ㅤI don’t think even that easygoing G*d will just stand by and watch.

ㅤMy words cause Almy and Elminarsh to fall silent.

ㅤ『… Hmm? There’s a message from Boroneal. It seems like he’s found the person we were looking for.』

ㅤBoroneal was heading to the Southern Continent, just as Grunblin and I returned.
ㅤHis objective was to find a certain person – no, a certain demon.

ㅤ”They found Hamilton-san!”

ㅤAlmy said in a bright voice.

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life

Score 6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2017 Native Language: Japanese
Minato, a 16-year-old girl burdened by a lifetime of misfortune, meets an untimely end at the hands of her own father. Instead of finding peace in death, she’s met by a well-meaning but naive God who offers her reincarnation into a fantasy world filled with magic and adventure. Minato, jaded by her past, initially refuses, but God insists, granting her a special power: the ability to change the difficulty of her new life, just like in a video game. Reincarnated into the body of a young girl, Minato finds herself in a harsh and dangerous world where she’s immediately captured by goblins. Using her “Difficulty Change” ability, she effortlessly escapes and sets off on a journey to navigate this strange new world. Along the way, she discovers a hidden talent for both thievery and magic, garnering the attention of various guilds and adventurers, including the headstrong Latifa, an illegitimate noblewoman determined to win the prince’s heart.


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