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The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life – Chapter 149


Chapter 149: Investigating the Ghost
ㅤI know where that bully gal’s house is.
ㅤUnfortunately, it was near the school.

ㅤI ring the doorbell of the bully gal’s house.


ㅤSuddenly, the door opens and a tired, middle-aged woman with a worn-out look appears.

ㅤ(This isn’t what I imagined.)

ㅤSince she’s the bully gal’s mother, I thought she’d be more upbeat.

ㅤ”I’m a classmate of ――-san, and there’s something I’ve been a little concerned about recently.”

ㅤWhen I start talking,

ㅤ”…Oh, yes. You know too, don’t you? I just don’t know what to do anymore…”

ㅤThe middle-aged woman collapses as if she has run out of energy.

ㅤ”A-Are you alright!?”

ㅤI rush over and support her.

ㅤ”I’m sorry, I’m fine… If you’re a friend of my daughter’s, please come in.”

ㅤAfter hesitating, I nodded.

ㅤThe house, I think, is typical middle-class.
ㅤConsidering the current times, they might be considered blessed.
ㅤThe mother seems to be a housewife, so it means they can maintain the house solely on the husband’s income.
ㅤHowever, judging from the mother’s appearance, she didn’t look very happy.

ㅤWhile drinking the barley tea she offered, I ask.

ㅤ”There’s a rumor that ――-san is being tricked by a bad guy…”

ㅤ”That’s right. She left home without permission and is living in that man’s apartment.”

ㅤSaying that, the mother shows me her smartphone screen.
ㅤThere was a picture of the bully gal with her arm around a young man in a blonde suit, kissing her cheek.
ㅤWhile the bully gal is smiling happily, the host’s eyes are cold.

ㅤ”That’s worrying. Have you contacted the police?”

ㅤ”I did, but they wouldn’t take it seriously, saying it’s a personal matter.”

ㅤ”Huh? She’s a minor, right?”

ㅤ”Well, there was that incident where a high school girl was killed by her Otou-san. The police are completely preoccupied with that.”

ㅤ”But I thought they caught him already.”

ㅤ”He was on the run until recently. I plan to consult with them again once things calm down, but I don’t know how much they’ll actually help. They told me, ‘They’re doing it because they want to, right?'”

ㅤ”I’m worried about ――-san, but the apartment she’s living in now is… ?”

ㅤ”You know that area in front of the station where all the brothels are lined up? There’s a cheap apartment behind the host club where the man works. It’s full of shady people, so it’s scary to even go near it.”

ㅤIt’s not that big of a city. There are only a handful of host clubs, so this information alone should be enough to pinpoint the location.

ㅤ”That’s concerning.”

ㅤ”Yes. You too, don’t even think about going to see her. It’s dangerous.”

ㅤI thanked her and left the bully gal’s house.

ㅤ”So, I’ve located it.”

ㅤI was in front of the cheap apartment building behind the red-light district in front of the station.
ㅤIndeed, women with heavy, fading makeup in sweatpants and shady-looking drunks of unknown nationality were coming and going. It’s probably an apartment where people involved in the sex industry live.

ㅤThe host in question lives in the corner room on the second floor.

ㅤ”Hmm. It would be easy to take him down.”

ㅤBut I don’t think this kind of guy would easily reflect on his actions.

ㅤ”Besides, I don’t feel any sympathy for the bully gal. And frankly, I don’t care about Emily either.”

ㅤWhen the lips are gone, the teeth will feel cold.
ㅤAfter I died, Emily became the target of bullying.
ㅤI had learned the sad art of controlling things so that even while being bullied, the line wouldn’t be crossed, but Emily didn’t seem to have that kind of understanding.

ㅤ”I wonder if there’s a way for everyone to be ruined.”

ㅤI’m sure all the classmates know that Emily used me as a scapegoat.
ㅤThat’s why no one helps her even when she’s being bullied.
ㅤWell, that’s fine.
ㅤHowever, it’s questionable whether the bully gal, who has become the host’s cash cow, should be forced into prostitution.

ㅤThe bully gal should be publicly exposed and punished for the bullying.
ㅤHowever, there are no laws that punish bullying itself. She’ll be scolded by the teachers and get a short suspension, that’s all. That’s too light of a punishment.
ㅤWe need to be more creative.

ㅤBut, the bully gal is a victim in the case of the host.

ㅤThe host is preying on a minor and trying to extort money from her. It’s possible that the idea of the bully gal making Emily prostitute herself was also the man’s idea.
ㅤI think this man should be brought to justice. Unlike bullying, if this becomes public, he should face criminal charges.

ㅤAnd then there’s the middle-aged man who met the bully gal online and is trying to have sex with a high school girl. I want to do something about him too.

ㅤ”…For now, let’s see how things play out.”

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life

Score 6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2017 Native Language: Japanese
Minato, a 16-year-old girl burdened by a lifetime of misfortune, meets an untimely end at the hands of her own father. Instead of finding peace in death, she’s met by a well-meaning but naive God who offers her reincarnation into a fantasy world filled with magic and adventure. Minato, jaded by her past, initially refuses, but God insists, granting her a special power: the ability to change the difficulty of her new life, just like in a video game. Reincarnated into the body of a young girl, Minato finds herself in a harsh and dangerous world where she’s immediately captured by goblins. Using her “Difficulty Change” ability, she effortlessly escapes and sets off on a journey to navigate this strange new world. Along the way, she discovers a hidden talent for both thievery and magic, garnering the attention of various guilds and adventurers, including the headstrong Latifa, an illegitimate noblewoman determined to win the prince’s heart.


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