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The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life – Chapter 161


Chapter 161: The Dinner Party and the Secret of the Tree Country
ㅤIt’s called a banquet, but it’s a small affair with only me and Almi from the Demon Kingdom, and Queen Renaria and Sherry-san from the Tree Country in attendance.

ㅤ(But maybe that’s why we can have a conversation that’s closer to the truth.)

ㅤAlmi and I brace ourselves for the banquet.

ㅤThe location is the Queen’s private dining room, but given her position, it’s a luxurious room.
ㅤLooking up at the ceiling, I see a tapestry depicting what appears to be the myths and history of the Tree Country.
ㅤAs I wait while listening to Sherry-san’s explanation of the tapestry,

ㅤ”I apologize for the wait.”

ㅤThe Queen enters the dining room.

ㅤQueen Renaria is also wearing a dress.
ㅤThe tight-fitting mermaid-line dress suits the tall and well-proportioned Queen perfectly.
ㅤThe deep green dress, symbolic of the Tree Country, complements the Queen’s dark hair well.
ㅤShe flawlessly pulls off the mature design with a wide neckline, something we could never imagine ourselves wearing.

ㅤFeeling a subtle sense of defeat in a competition I didn’t need to win, I say,

ㅤ”Thank you for inviting us this evening.”

ㅤ”You’re welcome. Ufufu. You’re both so lovely.”

ㅤ”I’m not confident enough to stand next to Your Majesty.”

ㅤ”Don’t be silly. Gentlemen are more interested in budding flowers like yourselves than a poisonous flower like me.”

ㅤ”Well, that’s a bit…”

ㅤI forgot my social graces and responded instinctively, feeling a bit flustered.

ㅤHowever, the Queen’s reaction was unexpected.

ㅤ”Right!? Ah, just as I thought!”

ㅤThe Queen suddenly grasped my hand and said with delight.
ㅤHer words were directed at Sherry-san, who was standing near the wall.

ㅤSherry-san says,

ㅤ”Well… it’s not decided yet, Onee-sama.”

ㅤLeaving me behind in surprise, the Queen said,

ㅤ”Honestly, Sherry is still so serious. It’s unfair how popular you are with the girls.”

ㅤ”Th-that’s irrelevant!”

ㅤ”I heard! That you and Almirash were embracing in the hallway earlier.”

ㅤ”Uh… w-well, that’s…”

ㅤAs we involuntarily grimaced, the Queen nodded understandingly.

ㅤ”I understand. You’re in the public eye in your own country. And with your positions, you can’t be too open about your affections, can you?”

ㅤ”Th-that’s not it…”

ㅤ”Oh, perhaps I shouldn’t be so blunt. You’re still young. It seems you still need a little more time to become like me and Sherry.”

ㅤ”…Like you and Sherry-san?”

ㅤWhen I asked back, Sherry-san panicked.

ㅤ”Y-Your Majesty! You promised to keep that a secret from Minato…”

ㅤ”It’s fine. It’s not like anything will be lost. Like-minded individuals are welcome. Also, call me Onee-sama when it’s just the two of us.”

ㅤ”It’s not just the two of us right now!”

ㅤThe Queen and Sherry-san’s unsettling conversation finally clicked for me.

ㅤ(Um… what do you say in a situation like this?)

ㅤ”Kimashita!” is probably too old.

ㅤ(In short, these two are a thing…)

ㅤMaybe the reason Queen Renaria was so unusually friendly towards us was because she thought we were “like-minded individuals.”

ㅤ(Oh crap. The Tree Country is seriously messed up.)

ㅤI muttered to myself, my character breaking down from the shock.

ㅤ”Uh, um… what’s going on?”

ㅤAlmi asks me quietly.

ㅤ”Well, you see… how should I put it? They’re like lovers.”

ㅤ”Huh? Two women?”

ㅤ”There are people like that in the world.”

ㅤ”Oh, I see.”

ㅤAlmi, who hasn’t been on the surface for very long, is quite oblivious to these things.

ㅤ”…Wait? So, maybe what Minato was saying earlier was… that kind of thing?”

ㅤAlmi tilts her head and asks.

ㅤ”N-no! It’s not like that! We’re more than friends, but…”

ㅤI don’t want to use the word “best friend” because of personal trauma.
ㅤIf I had to force myself to find a word, maybe “soulmate” is closer. But since spirituality is spiritual, and my mother’s religious fanaticism is another trauma, I don’t want to use that word either.
ㅤMy life is a minefield of trauma, and it’s a struggle to get through each day without stepping on one.

ㅤ”Well, there are relationships like that too. Wanting to be closer, but afraid of being rejected because you’re friends.”

ㅤThe Queen says something unnecessary.

ㅤ”Onee-sama is a stranger to such delicate conflicts, though.”

ㅤ”Don’t be rude, Sherry. I’ve had my fair share of experiences when I was younger.”

ㅤ”I don’t want to hear about Onee-sama’s past affairs.”

ㅤ”Oh my, are you jealous?”

ㅤ”Th-that’s not it, I’m just genuinely not interested!”

ㅤEven Sherry-san is being teased.

ㅤ”Um… does Lewis know about this?”

ㅤ”O-of course not! Don’t you dare tell him, Minato!?”

ㅤ”Well, I wouldn’t say anything, but…”

ㅤIf Lewis, who adores Onee-san, found out, he’d probably faint.

ㅤ(I thought it was strange that Sherry-san, despite being beautiful, didn’t attract men.)

ㅤGiven her age, she should be married by now, considering she’s a noblewoman in this world.

ㅤ(If she’s involved with the Queen, then it makes sense. Regardless of how much those around them are aware, approaching Sherry-san carelessly would likely result in the Queen’s disapproval.)

ㅤSeeing my troubled reaction, the Queen said,

ㅤ”Traditionally, the Mistradia Tree Country has developed a unique court culture. Tales of love between women and between men sung by bards are not uncommon. Well, with our closed-off and boring national character, romance is a great form of entertainment.”

ㅤ”And Your Majesty is no exception to this tradition, is that right?”

ㅤTo think that the Tree Country was a garden of lilies and roses.

ㅤ”You don’t have to address me so formally, Minato-chan. Call me Renaria-chan, with affection.”

ㅤ”No, I really can’t do that. I’m not comfortable being called -chan either.”

ㅤ”You’re so serious, Minato-chan. No wonder Sherry likes you.”

ㅤ”Hey, Onee-sama!?”

ㅤ”Even after hearing that you became the Demon King, Sherry insisted 『I can trust Minato.』”

ㅤ”Ah, I’m truly grateful for that, Sherry-san.”

ㅤ”Y-yes. But don’t misunderstand! I simply admire Minato’s character, so it’s not like I 『like』 you in that way, okay!?”

ㅤSherry-san said, blushing.
ㅤ…I wonder if this is also considered tsundere.

ㅤ(She’s quite cute when you look at her like this.)

ㅤI can see why the Queen likes her.
ㅤSetting aside my own feelings on the matter.

ㅤ”Sherry is devoted. Unlike me, she wouldn’t cheat.”

ㅤ”I’d prefer if Onee-sama didn’t cheat either. The court director, who has to deal with the aftermath, would get an ulcer.”

ㅤ”So… Minato-chan, how about tonight?”

ㅤThe Queen gives me a suggestive look and a playful smile, causing me to break out in a cold sweat.

ㅤ”I-I’m sorry. I have a meeting with Almi tonight.”

ㅤ”Yes, meetings are important. I won’t pry into what you’ll be discussing. I won’t interrupt your time together.”

ㅤ”No, it’s really a meeting.”

ㅤAhem, a reserved cough could be heard.
ㅤA maid with slightly flushed cheeks stands at the entrance.
ㅤIt seems the meal is ready.

ㅤThe dishes that were brought in were a mountain vegetable-centric menu, typical of the Tree Country.
ㅤThe grilled Ayu, (or a fish that resembles it,) caught in the mountain streams of the Mist Forest, is exquisite.

ㅤ”You eat so happily, Minato-chan.”

ㅤPerhaps I was being a bit too enthusiastic about the food, as the Queen chuckled at me.

ㅤ”The Demon Kingdom floats on the sea, so honestly, the variety of ingredients is a bit lacking.”

ㅤWe’ve started cultivating crops in the Demon King’s Castle, but it seems it will take some time before we can harvest them.

ㅤ”That’s quite surprising. I’d love to see it someday.”

ㅤ”I’d be happy to invite you if the opportunity arises.”

ㅤ”Speaking of the Demon King’s Castle, since it floats on the sea, does that mean it can also move across the sea?”

ㅤThe Queen asks with a smile.
ㅤBut there was a serious glint in her eyes.


ㅤWhether or not to reveal that fact was a subject of debate even within the Demon Kingdom.
ㅤBut the conclusion was that it’s too late to try and hide it.

ㅤ(In fact, the Queen has already figured it out.)

ㅤThe people of this world don’t know about airplanes, but they can see something flying and deduce that it should be able to move.

ㅤI nodded slightly.

ㅤ”Yes. It can.”

ㅤ”How far can it move?”


ㅤ”Is that so? That’s quite something.”

ㅤ”Yes, it is.”

ㅤ”The Demon King’s Castle can fly and appear anywhere in the world.
ㅤAnd within the Demon King’s Castle are the Twin Demon Kings, the remaining two of the Four Heavenly Demon Generals, and other demons.”

ㅤ”That’s correct.”

ㅤThere are also Bearnov and the other beastmen, the Dream Weaver, the Undines, Oceanus and the Kraken, and other monsters and demi-humans who have pledged allegiance to the Demon Kingdom.
ㅤFurthermore, we can also factor in the air power managed by Elminarsh.
ㅤ…Of course, I’ll keep quiet about those things.

ㅤ”If it were me, I’d consider world domination.”

ㅤ”That was also an option. But it’s not worth the cost.”

ㅤEven if we can fly through the sky and deploy troops anywhere we want, maintaining control over the land would require us to station a sizable army there permanently.
ㅤEven the US military, the strongest on Earth, struggled to maintain control over territories they occupied during wars.
ㅤThe Demon Kingdom, with far fewer personnel, could never achieve the same.
ㅤMoreover, even if we did, there would be no benefit to it.

ㅤThe Queen said with a grin,

ㅤ”Hey, Minato-chan. Why don’t you move the Demon King’s Castle here?”


ㅤ”Is it that surprising?”

ㅤ”Of course it is!”

ㅤ”I’ve read your report.”

ㅤ”The one that predicted the climate change in the surrounding area?”

ㅤWe’ve already given the Tree Country the same report we gave to Harriet-san in Celesta.

ㅤ”Yes. It’s quite a harsh prospect for the Tree Country.”

ㅤ”That’s… true.”

ㅤThe Mist Forest, which occupies the central and northern parts of the Tree Country, will eventually disappear and become arid.
ㅤOn the other hand, the desert areas in the south will become humid and eventually turn into fertile farmland.

ㅤBoth the north and the south will become easier to traverse than they are now.
ㅤEconomically, this means trade will become more active, but militarily, it also means that large armies can be moved easily.

ㅤ”If you brought the Demon King’s Castle here, it would certainly prevent Zamzaria in the north from making any moves, and Celesta in the south wouldn’t be able to interfere either.”

ㅤ”That’s right.”

ㅤ”…Are you serious?”

ㅤI couldn’t help but ask back.

ㅤ(It’s true that it would prevent interference from surrounding countries, but it would be like handing over the country to the Demon Kingdom.)

ㅤThe Queen gave a wry smile.

ㅤ”Well, it’s probably impossible. If I did that, I might be dethroned. Right, Sherry?”

ㅤ”Th-that’s right. The nobles would never allow such a thing. Onee-sama’s reign has been stable, and there’s no room for rebellion at the moment. However, if you did something like that, the nobles would likely try to eliminate you and install someone with royal blood, even by force.”

ㅤ”And you too, perhaps?”

ㅤ”My family is a ducal house, so we would be forced to act for the sake of the country, under the pretext of righteousness.”

ㅤ”What about you personally?”

ㅤ”I-I would… stay with Onee-sama until the very end…”

ㅤ”Fufu. Thank you. Don’t worry, I have no intention of actually doing such a thing.”

ㅤThe Queen nodded with satisfaction at Sherry-san, who said this with a serious expression.

ㅤ”I don’t intend to rely solely on the Demon Kingdom to solve this problem either. However, I believe it’s a lady’s prerogative to keep such possibilities open.”

ㅤ”Ah, you mean to show the surrounding countries that you have a relationship with the Demon Kingdom?”

ㅤIf they invade the Tree Country, the Demon King’s Castle will come from the sky.
ㅤIf they believe that, the effect would be the same even if we don’t actually summon the Demon King’s Castle to the Tree Country.
ㅤI don’t know if that’s a “lady’s prerogative,” though.

ㅤ”That’s one of the reasons why I want to be on good terms with you. Even aside from being like-minded individuals.”

ㅤWell, we’re not like-minded individuals, though.

ㅤ”Speaking of which, have you been able to track Cretias’s movements?”

ㅤI changed the subject to something that had been on my mind.

ㅤSherry-san answered my question.

ㅤ”Unfortunately, no. We confirmed that he wasn’t in the dungeon ruins of the Mist Forest. We didn’t find anyone resembling Cretias among the corpses of the demons.”

ㅤ”The Quicksand Knights, who are in charge of the southern region, also haven’t reported any sightings of such a person passing through. The desert has limited routes, and there are no obstacles like forests. It would be difficult for a man with such a distinctive appearance to slip through unnoticed.”

ㅤ”I see…”

ㅤIn the end, Cretias’s escape was probably unrelated to Hamilton.
ㅤHamilton seemed to have acted of his own volition, and not because he was being manipulated by God.
ㅤIn Cretias’s case, the possibility that God had something to do with his inexplicable escape cannot be ruled out.
ㅤHowever, we don’t know if God is truly aware of the current situation and intends to intervene.
ㅤWithout any evidence, it might just be our paranoia.

ㅤ”What about the Demon Kingdom’s relationship with Zamzaria?”

ㅤ”We’re in the preparatory stages of negotiations. We haven’t received a very positive response.”

ㅤThe Zamzaria Kingdom, the largest power on the northern continent, is reluctant to recognize the Demon Kingdom.
ㅤThe King of Zamzaria is said to be God’s agent, and he is protected by twelve Holy Knights.
ㅤThe Royal Guard, where Cretias used to belong, is also led by one of the Holy Knights.

ㅤZamzaria is also a country where adventurers are very active.
ㅤThere are numerous dungeons within the country, and cities where adventurers gather have formed near them.
ㅤZamzaria’s economy revolves around dungeons.
ㅤThe Demon Kingdom’s stance of denying the Grandmasters, the founders of adventurers, is unacceptable to them.

ㅤ”From what you’ve told me, Minato-chan, if God were to intervene, it would be in Zamzaria.
ㅤHowever, Cretias has made an enemy of the King and has been exiled from his homeland.
ㅤHe’s even been put on the wanted list in the Tree Country, which hasn’t had a good relationship with Zamzaria for many years, so the King of Zamzaria must be truly furious.
ㅤIt seems a little unlikely that God would choose Cretias as a target for intervention.”

ㅤ”That’s right. I hope I’m just overthinking things.”

ㅤ”Perhaps Cretias used the remaining power he had to escape, but ultimately couldn’t do anything and died a miserable death.”

ㅤ”I suppose so…”

ㅤ”Oh, you don’t seem to think so?”

ㅤ”No… it’s just that, based on the pattern of my life, I feel like I’m always destined to reunite with troublesome people like him…”

ㅤ”…You’ve had a difficult life too, haven’t you?”

ㅤThe banquet continued late into the night, filled with idle chatter.

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life

Score 6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2017 Native Language: Japanese
Minato, a 16-year-old girl burdened by a lifetime of misfortune, meets an untimely end at the hands of her own father. Instead of finding peace in death, she’s met by a well-meaning but naive God who offers her reincarnation into a fantasy world filled with magic and adventure. Minato, jaded by her past, initially refuses, but God insists, granting her a special power: the ability to change the difficulty of her new life, just like in a video game. Reincarnated into the body of a young girl, Minato finds herself in a harsh and dangerous world where she’s immediately captured by goblins. Using her “Difficulty Change” ability, she effortlessly escapes and sets off on a journey to navigate this strange new world. Along the way, she discovers a hidden talent for both thievery and magic, garnering the attention of various guilds and adventurers, including the headstrong Latifa, an illegitimate noblewoman determined to win the prince’s heart.


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