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The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life – Chapter 174


Chapter 174: What was entrusted to me
ㅤ”First, about the ash that’s currently attacking Elvansrow.
ㅤThis ash that brings petrification is called 『Ash of Imprisonment』. It turns the body into a prison for the soul, making people into tools to curse the world.”

ㅤ”Wait. People who are petrified, are they alive?”

ㅤ”Yes. Although the body turns to stone, the spirit remains as it is. They’re just trapped in a body that can’t do anything, can’t move. Even if you say they’re alive, if this state continues for a long time, they’ll obviously go mad. Because they can’t even commit suicide.”

ㅤ”What a terrible thing… But, why would Cretias do such a thing? No, wait, it’s not Cretias attacking Elvansrow right now, is it?”

ㅤ”The one scattering the Ash of Imprisonment on Elvansrow right now is G*d himself.”

ㅤ”Huh!? But, G*d can’t interfere with the ground, right?”

ㅤ”The reason G*d can’t interfere with the ground is because of the seal the First Demon King placed in his final moments. What Cretias, the former knight of Zamzaria, did was to weaken this seal. However, G*d probably still can’t act on the ground. Since this place is far from the ground, the seal loosened faster here.”

ㅤ”Did Cretias know about that?”

ㅤ”No, he probably doesn’t. He’s been taught that by doing so, his own power will increase. In fact, Cretias, who has become a faithful servant of G*d, is gaining power from the curse on the world.”

ㅤ”Why does cursing the world become G*d’s power?”

ㅤ”Cursing the world is two sides of the same coin as seeking salvation from the absolute being. The people trapped in the Ash of Imprisonment are giving power to G*d, the savior, by cursing the world. No matter how ugly G*d’s self-directed performance it is.”

ㅤ”Cretias is just being used, huh?”

ㅤWell, I thought so.

ㅤ”Earlier, you said something about a Spear Against G*d. Is there a way to defeat G*d?”

ㅤ”You already have it in your hands.”

ㅤ”…No way, is it this?”

ㅤI took out the Wand of Regret from the Infinite Stomach.

ㅤEvery time it has a chance, it absorbs the regrets of the dead, and the miasma emitted by the staff is incomparably stronger than before.
ㅤ…I’m surprised I’m using such a cursed-looking staff.

ㅤ”Yes. The scepter that the First Demon King held.”

ㅤ”Didn’t you say earlier that it would be bad if Elvansrow was destroyed?”

ㅤ”That staff, after being lost once, had its phase rewritten to 『drop item』 by the Grandmaster System. Using the power of this Spirit Tree, I will return that drop item, the ・Wand of Regret, to its original form and, at the same time, pour the power stored in the Spirit Tree into it to its limit.”

ㅤ”Is it okay to do such a thing?”

ㅤ”Elvansrow will be destroyed.
ㅤBut, that staff in its current state won’t do. The curse on the world created by the Ash of Imprisonment. The voices seeking salvation, instead of gathering them to G*d, you will gather them to yourself, the Demon King. Only then will you be able to obtain power that surpasses G*d. But, the staff in its current state can’t withstand such a load.
ㅤOriginally, this Elvansrow was supposed to fulfill that role. However, no matter how many times I trace the future, I can’t find a way to prevent Elvansrow’s destruction. That’s why I have no choice but to entrust everything to you.”

ㅤFlone-san stares intently at me.

ㅤ”There’s no other way?”

ㅤ”There isn’t.”

ㅤ”…I understand.”

ㅤI nodded to Flone-san.

ㅤ”We will accommodate the residents of Elvansrow on the shuttle as much as possible.”

ㅤI said that, thinking that at least we should do this much.

ㅤ”If only we had the time…”

ㅤFlone-san said with a gloomy face.

ㅤThen, the High Priest, while holding his hand to one ear, speaks.
ㅤIt seems he’s communicating with someone.

ㅤ”Hey, who is the girl you brought?”

ㅤThe High Priest is probably talking about the elf girl we helped on our way here.

ㅤ”Who? We helped her in this colony, didn’t we?”

ㅤ”That’s strange. There are no elves born in Elvansrow in the last few years. I thought she was Marianne-sama’s companion…”

ㅤ”No, she’s clearly an elf who was left behind, right?”

ㅤ”We’ve finished the roll call of the evacuated elves. If there are any left behind, we’re sending out a rescue team.”

ㅤ”What about the petrified elves?”

ㅤ”It seems that the degree of petrification progression differs depending on their compatibility with Ether. The petrified elves you saw on the way were left behind by other elves because they were deemed beyond saving. It may seem cold, but if they didn’t abandon them, they would be next to petrify. Everyone left their families, their friends, outside the barrier with a heavy heart.
ㅤBut, all the elves who haven’t petrified yet should have been accommodated.”

ㅤ”Huh, then, that child is…”

ㅤIn the middle of Arne-san’s murmuring, Flone-san said,

ㅤ”As I thought, it has come.”

ㅤFlone-san is looking behind us.

ㅤWe turn around as if we’ve been flicked.

ㅤThere stood the elf girl who was just being talked about.
ㅤHer dark hair was said to be proof of her poor compatibility with Ether.
ㅤBut now, concentrated ether flames are leaking from the girl.

ㅤ”I finally managed to get in. The barrier was a pain, but the Spirit Tree’s security is even worse.”

ㅤThe girl grinned and said so.

ㅤThe girl’s face changes like a swirling vortex.
ㅤWhen the transformation was complete, the girl had turned into a blonde, handsome young man in a toga.
ㅤA young man with an otherworldly beauty, with a hint of carelessness about him.

ㅤI know this face.


ㅤ”It’s been a while, Norizakura Minato.
ㅤI’m disappointed in you. I thought you’d stir up the world more.”

ㅤThe nonchalant G*d shrugged and said so.

ㅤ”Huh, G*d? This guy?”

ㅤArne-san is bewildered next to me.

ㅤ”Yes. Shall I reintroduce myself? I am G*d. Nice to meet you, elf priestesses. Although, you’ll soon turn to stone.”

ㅤ”You… what did you do to the other elves who were in the shelter?”

ㅤThe High Priest asks in a low voice.

ㅤ”Huh? You know, right? I was the one scattering the Ash of Imprisonment. I did the same thing here.”

ㅤ”You b*stard!”

ㅤThe High Priest casts a spell.
ㅤAn arrow of compressed ether. A magic similar to my Ether Shot.
ㅤG*d catches it with one hand, which should have considerable power, and crushes it.

ㅤ”Such… because I brought him here…”

ㅤArne-san muttered.

ㅤ”That’s not true.”

ㅤFlone-san said.

ㅤ”I could see everything. Elvansrow’s ether barrier would have held for a while longer against a G*d whose power is still limited. But, with time, it would be breached. It seems G*d used Minato-san and the others to open the barrier, but I invited them in knowing that.”

ㅤ”Oh? That’s quite the bluff.”

ㅤG*d takes a step forward.
ㅤWe can’t move.
ㅤIntense ether waves are paralyzing our minds.

ㅤIn the midst of this, Flone-san said resolutely,

ㅤ”Anyway, there’s no time. To buy time, I was prepared to throw everything away. That’s why I lured you here.

ㅤFlone-san chants something.
ㅤSomething like roots extends from G*d’s feet, covering his body.

ㅤ”This is…!”

ㅤ”With the ether that the Spirit Tree has accumulated over a thousand years, it can suppress G*d, whose seal hasn’t been completely broken, for a while.
ㅤMinato-san, go further in. There’s a key to awaken that staff there.”

ㅤ”N-no way I’ll let you do that!”

ㅤG*d exerts his power.
ㅤThe ash oozing from G*d petrifies the roots, but more and more roots keep springing up.

ㅤ”D*mn it! Troublesome!”

ㅤ”Hurry, now! It won’t last long!”


ㅤArne-san shouts.

ㅤ”I must stay here.”

ㅤ”No way!”

ㅤ”I’ve bought time by using the lives of the elves of Elvansrow as bait. I can’t just run away. Compared to G*d, I’m insignificant, but even I can help buy a little time.
ㅤArne, take this.”

ㅤFlone-san gives Arne a pendant with a shining stone.

ㅤ”This is… the village’s secret treasure…”

ㅤ”With that, you can avoid being caught by the Ash of Imprisonment. But, only you, as an elf, can use it.”

ㅤ”But, if you give this to me, Mother will…!”

ㅤ”It’s alright. It’s a life I’ve already decided to sacrifice. The past priestesses would scold me for letting the secret treasure go to waste.
ㅤMinato-san, please take Arne ━━ my daughter!”



ㅤI pick up Arne-san, who won’t leave Flone-san.

ㅤThere was a crack in the wall at the back of the room.
ㅤI feel strong ether waves from within.
ㅤThat’s the place where the “key” Flone-san mentioned is.

ㅤ”Wait, Minato! Mother!”

ㅤ”I’m sorry, Arne-san. We can’t go back anymore.”

ㅤI jumped into the crack.
ㅤIn the center of the not-so-large room, a single staff stood upright.
ㅤThe same roots that were binding G*d were entwined around the staff, pulsating powerfully.
ㅤThe staff is translucent.
ㅤNo, it has no substance.
ㅤThe ether is so dense that my brain is just hallucinating that there’s a staff there.

ㅤ”I have to match it here, huh?”

ㅤI thrust the Wand of Regret into the unsubstantial ether “staff” as if to overlap them.

ㅤThe staff is enveloped in light.

ㅤThe staff, which had a black and sinister shape, expands in the light.

ㅤThe light disappears.

ㅤ”This is the true form of this staff…!”

ㅤThe staff’s appearance had changed so much that I couldn’t believe it was the same staff.
ㅤA long handle that looked like it was entwined with the roots of the Spirit Tree.
ㅤA huge crystal-like object is embedded in the head.
ㅤThe crystal itself is large, but the staff itself was large to begin with.
ㅤFrom the handle to the head, it’s probably over two meters long.
ㅤThere’s even a handle in the middle, probably to make it easier to hold.
ㅤIt’s shaped more like a long-handled hammer than a staff.

ㅤI picked up the renewed Wand of Regret.

ㅤIt was terribly heavy, but well-balanced and easy to handle.
ㅤThe handle, which should have been thick, surprisingly sucked into my palm smoothly.

ㅤ”Minato! Mother!”

ㅤI turn around at Arne-san’s voice.

ㅤG*d, still entangled in roots, is approaching the entrance of the room.
ㅤFlone-san’s body, clinging to him to stop him, is gradually turning to stone.


ㅤI manage to stop Arne-san, who is about to jump out.

ㅤ(Um… how do we escape from here?)

ㅤThe new Demon King’s staff doesn’t have enough power yet.
ㅤThis staff is currently an empty vessel.
ㅤIt won’t be usable as a weapon to defeat G*d until it absorbs the grudges inherited from the Wand of Regret and the curse on the world that is currently being born on the ground.

ㅤ(For Flone-san’s sake, we have to escape somehow for now.)

ㅤBut, how?
ㅤFlone-san didn’t tell me anything about what to do next.

ㅤThen, the communicator in my ear rang.

ㅤ『Minato-Onee-chan! I heard everything! I’m turning the shuttle towards you now!』

ㅤIt’s Sharion’s voice, whom I left on the shuttle.

ㅤ『Also, Escavelm-san said to put up as many barriers as possible and wait!』

ㅤ”Isn’t Escavelm there?”

ㅤ『You’ll see soon!』

ㅤSharion didn’t explain, but there’s no point in arguing.
ㅤAs I was told, I deploy as strong a magic barrier as possible.

ㅤ”Norizakura Minato. You don’t think you can stop me with that… do you?”

ㅤG*d says, trying to break free from the roots.

ㅤThe next moment, my vision turned completely white.

ㅤThe magic barrier trembled from the tremendous impact.
ㅤHowever, it’s not enough to break the barrier.

ㅤWhen my vision returned, Arne-san and I were in outer space.
ㅤAround us, fragments of the Spirit Tree’s walls and the remains of the melted and distorted outer walls are floating.

ㅤThen, a golden dragon approached.

ㅤ『Minato! Are you alright!』

ㅤIt’s Escavelm.
ㅤI clung to Escavelm’s back, still holding Arne-san in one arm.
ㅤThe Demon King’s staff is stored in the Infinite Stomach.

ㅤ”Escavelm! You can’t fly in space, can you?”

ㅤ『I just can’t use my wings. For a short time, it’s not impossible to fly with magic.』

ㅤIndeed, Escavelm hasn’t been flapping his wings since earlier.
ㅤHe spreads his wings and emits ether from them to fly through space.

ㅤ”Was that light earlier Escavelm’s breath?”

ㅤ『Yes. It was a gamble whether Minato could withstand a breath strong enough to pierce the mithril outer wall. As it turns out, you withstood it with ease.』


ㅤI’m glad I deployed the barrier with all my might.

ㅤ”Norizakura, Minato!”

ㅤG*d, still entangled in roots, shouts and reaches out to us.
ㅤThanks to the air inside the Spirit Tree, his voice barely reaches us.

ㅤ”I can’t let you escape with that!”

ㅤG*d breaks the petrified roots and approaches us.

ㅤ”…I won’t let you.”

ㅤ”Stop it! Don’t interfere, you d*mn geezer!”

ㅤFlone-san tackles G*d from behind.
ㅤFlone-san’s body rapidly petrifies.

ㅤ”━━Go, Marianne! Minato, I entrust my daughter and the world to you!”


ㅤArne-san leans towards Flone-san.

ㅤHolding Arne-san tightly, I say,

ㅤ”Escavelm! Let’s go!”


ㅤ”No, wait, Minato… Mother… Mother…!”

ㅤEscavelm runs through space with us on his back.
ㅤThe figures of G*d and Flone-san are getting smaller and smaller.


ㅤHolding the struggling Arne-san tightly, I returned to the shuttle.

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life

Score 6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2017 Native Language: Japanese
Minato, a 16-year-old girl burdened by a lifetime of misfortune, meets an untimely end at the hands of her own father. Instead of finding peace in death, she’s met by a well-meaning but naive God who offers her reincarnation into a fantasy world filled with magic and adventure. Minato, jaded by her past, initially refuses, but God insists, granting her a special power: the ability to change the difficulty of her new life, just like in a video game. Reincarnated into the body of a young girl, Minato finds herself in a harsh and dangerous world where she’s immediately captured by goblins. Using her “Difficulty Change” ability, she effortlessly escapes and sets off on a journey to navigate this strange new world. Along the way, she discovers a hidden talent for both thievery and magic, garnering the attention of various guilds and adventurers, including the headstrong Latifa, an illegitimate noblewoman determined to win the prince’s heart.


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