Switch Mode

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life – Chapter 162


Chapter 162: Cross World Remote Play
ㅤI, Almi, and those who accompanied us as escorts, returned to the Demon King’s Castle from the Tree Country by heading south and using the Transfer Ruins located in the desert.
ㅤActually, these kinds of Transfer Ruins exist all over the world.
ㅤTherefore, the Demon Kingdom can project a powerful military force to each country without even having to move the Demon King’s Castle.

ㅤ(But since it would be a big problem if that were known, we’re keeping it a secret.)

ㅤOn the way there, we needed to meet up with Lewis in Celesta, and we didn’t want to arrive too early and raise suspicion, so we took a sea route from the Kielhen Islands to Celesta, and then traveled by land from Celesta.
ㅤSince it was just us on the way back, we were able to take a shortcut without reservation.

ㅤ『Welcome back. Minato, Almirash.』

ㅤElminarsh spoke to us in a deep voice from somewhere as we returned to the common space.

ㅤ”I’m home. Though we were in contact the whole time.”

ㅤ『It’s a matter of feeling.』

ㅤ”I never thought I’d hear such words from Elminarsh.”

ㅤ『I am not an emotionless AI.』

ㅤ”That’s right. How’s the analysis of the internet going?”

ㅤ『I have compiled the necessary information. However, the inhabitants of this world lack the prerequisite knowledge to understand that information. Education will take time. For the time being, they have no choice but to follow my instructions.』

ㅤ”I don’t think we need to cram all the knowledge in from the beginning. It might be easier to remember if we give it to them little by little while they’re working.”

ㅤ『I see. I’ll consider it.』

ㅤ”Oh, right. I broke the Trigger Blade, even though it was so useful.”

ㅤ『Don’t worry about it. If it served its purpose, that’s fine.
ㅤSpeaking of which, I made something interesting while you were away.』

ㅤ”Something interesting?”

ㅤ『You said you liked this, Minato. There’s a box on the table, right?』

ㅤ”Ah, this?”

ㅤA small woven basket was placed on the dining table in the common space.
ㅤIt was about the size of a large lunch box.

ㅤ『Open it.』

ㅤAt Elminarsh’s words, I opened the lid of the box.

ㅤInside the box was something that looked like a black grip.
ㅤWith its unique form, it was designed to be held with both hands, gripping the protrusions on the left and right.
ㅤWhen you grip the protrusions, your thumbs and index fingers are placed exactly where the buttons are.
ㅤOn the thumb side, there is a cross-shaped button on the left and four colorful buttons on the right. On the index finger side, there were two buttons, one above the other, on both the left and right.
ㅤThere was another one of the same thing in the box.

ㅤ”Eh, this is…”

ㅤ『Yes. It’s a controller.』

ㅤ”A game controller?”

ㅤ『What else could it be?』

ㅤ”I heard they’re also used to control drones and submarines…”

ㅤ『Oh. That’s interesting. It’s a good idea to send instructions to Oceanus and Kraken from a controller. The problem is how to get their vision here…』

ㅤ”More importantly, how did you get this?”

ㅤ『Ah. The Demon Kingdom is currently at sea, and travel to and from it is limited, right?』

ㅤ”That’s right.”

ㅤWe’ve been going out and about, but it’s still too dangerous for ordinary citizens to go outside.
ㅤEspecially for the demons, going outside could make them targets of persecution.

ㅤ『There have been calls for entertainment for some time now. So, I investigated the entertainment of the world Minato came from. I’ve already taught the children primitive forms of entertainment that don’t require tools. For example, things like Red Light, Green Light, Kick the Can, and Cops and Robbers. Although, this world also had similar games.』

ㅤ”So, next is games, huh? But can you even make a game console?”

ㅤ『No, it will be quite a while before we can manufacture semiconductors in this world.』

ㅤ”Then, how?”

ㅤ『There’s something called remote play in your world, right?』

ㅤ”Ah, the kind where the game runs on a server, and the client side just displays the video sent from the server?”

ㅤ『Yes. If that’s the case, we should be able to do it without a game console on this side.』

ㅤ”I wonder if we can…”

ㅤAt the very least, I think we need a device to output the video sent to us and send the controller input, which is a simple signal, back to the other side.

ㅤ『If it’s just receiving video and sending back the controller input, which is a simple signal, there’s a way. In fact, I’m browsing video sites on the other side and typing keywords into the search bar to search.』

ㅤ”So it’s within the capabilities of the Elminarsh System.”

ㅤ『That’s right. I thought I’d let you play since we have the opportunity, Minato. That controller operates with the faint ether flowing from your palm. I send the signal emitted by the controller to the server on Earth.
ㅤHowever, the titles you can play are limited to those that support remote play.』

ㅤ”No, that’s amazing enough!”

ㅤI said that excitedly.

ㅤ”I never thought I’d be able to play games here.”

ㅤ『I’m glad you’re happy.』

ㅤElminarsh sounded a little proud.

ㅤ(Could it be that…)

ㅤDid he prepare this to cheer me up after the Hamilton incident?

ㅤWhen I returned to Earth, nothing good happened, so instead of being refreshed, I came back even more tired.
ㅤAnd then, immediately after that, was Hamilton’s rebellion.
ㅤI was aware that I was tired.

ㅤ”What about the screen?”

ㅤ『I’ll display it now.』

ㅤAlong with his words, a large hologram appeared in the common space.
ㅤIt was about 50 inches, like a TV screen.

ㅤ『I can make the screen bigger, but that’s about as big as it can be displayed clearly due to the resolution.』

ㅤ”Yeah, that’s enough. It would be harder to play if it were too big anyway.”

ㅤIt’s easier to play games when you can see the whole screen in your field of vision.

ㅤThe game console’s home screen appeared on the hologram.

ㅤ”Whoa. This is nostalgic!”

ㅤIt’s only been a few months since I was reincarnated, but it already feels like a long time ago.

ㅤ”Come to think of it, doesn’t remote play cost money?”

ㅤ『I earned it by doing part-time jobs online.』

ㅤ”The Demon King’s Castle management system is doing part-time jobs?”

ㅤ『It can’t be helped. Once I’ve saved up some funds, I’ll invest them.』

ㅤ”Can you do that?”

ㅤ『I’m thinking of aiming for instantaneous profits through foreign exchange. The Elminarsh System has higher processing power than Earth’s computers. We could also mine cryptocurrency.』

ㅤWhile we were talking, I browsed through the game software.
ㅤAlmi was also next to me, staring at the hologram screen.

ㅤ”I think it’s best to start with something simple.”

ㅤ『Right, I forgot to mention, that controller doesn’t have a joystick. I couldn’t make the parts with our manufacturing equipment here. I’m exploring ways to make do with magic.』

ㅤ”I see. In that case, maybe something like this?”

ㅤI chose a 2D game with a relaxing atmosphere where you play as a bomber and try to kill each other.

ㅤ”Here, Almi, take a controller too.”

ㅤ”L-Like this?”

ㅤ”Yeah, yeah. You place a bomb with this button. You move with this button. Once you place a bomb, get away… Ah, don’t place it there!”

ㅤ”Eh… Ah, I’m done for!”

ㅤAlmi placed a bomb at the starting position, leaving herself with nowhere to escape and getting blown up.

ㅤ”If you die, you can throw bombs from outside the frame.”

ㅤ”Ah, this is me. Then, I’ll help Minato.”

ㅤ”No, it’s a versus game, so you can aim for me too.”

ㅤSince I had set the COM to the weakest setting, I soon defeated all the other characters.

ㅤ”This is what the game is like.”

ㅤ”It’s interesting! I’ll survive this time!”

ㅤAfter that, I continued to win for a while, but Almi gradually became stronger.

ㅤ”I’ll kick the bomb here!”


ㅤMy character was blown up after Almi kicked a bomb into the explosion.

ㅤIt was Almi’s first victory.


ㅤ”Oh no. Almi might be strong.”

ㅤDespite her gentle appearance, Almi has amazing reflexes.
ㅤShe narrowly avoided the blast and quickly surrounded me with bombs.


ㅤI placed a bomb and turned a corner in the instant gap before the bomb detonated.

ㅤ”Phew. I would have been instantly killed if there were no bombs…”

ㅤ”What was that!? You can do that!?”

ㅤAlmi was surprised.

ㅤHowever, showing my hand was a mistake.

ㅤAlmi immediately incorporated that technique and cornered me with incredibly precise timing.

ㅤ”Ahhh, I don’t have a punch!”

ㅤI was killed by Almi’s line bomb.

ㅤ”L-Let’s play a different game!”

ㅤI quit the bomber game and started another software.

ㅤ”Ah, are you running away, Minato!?”

ㅤ”N-No, I’m not!”

ㅤThis time we played a children’s tennis game… Yeah, she caught up quickly.

ㅤ(To begin with, I’m a nul-gamer. My specialty is RPGs.)

ㅤI’m not good at versus action games…

ㅤ”This tennis thing seems like we could do it in real life.”

ㅤAlmi said.

ㅤ”Actually, it’s a real-life sport. This is just a game version of it.”

ㅤ”Heeeh. I’d like to try it.”

ㅤ”Yeah. I wonder if we can manage with a racket and a ball?”

ㅤ『The ball is special. It might take some trial and error, but we might be able to manage.』

ㅤ”Soccer would probably be easier.”

ㅤ『There’s also a sport called futsal, which is like mini-soccer. That might be better for Bearnov’s children than games.』

ㅤ”Let’s play a different game then.”

ㅤ”Eeeehh! We were just getting to the fun part!”

ㅤ”I’m not bored!”

ㅤIf Almi gets better, I won’t be able to win at all.
ㅤAlmi, who is good at close combat, has a cute face but can be quite ruthless.

ㅤ”But I’ll get better soon, right?”

ㅤAlmi said, sounding a little proud.

ㅤ”Games aren’t just about competition. How about this!”

ㅤI chose a famous zombie action shooter game.

ㅤ”Eeeehh, this is kind of scary…”

ㅤ”Fufufu. I’ll let you have this one, Almi.”

ㅤI handed the 1P controller to Almi.

ㅤAlmi cautiously made her way through the dark mansion where zombies roamed.


ㅤ”Whoa, that surprised me!”

ㅤWe screamed as a zombie suddenly grabbed us from a blind spot.

ㅤ『Zombies are hardly your enemies. I think it would be scarier if you appeared from the darkness.』

ㅤ”That’s not the point!”

ㅤ”Th-That’s right! In reality, I can sense them, but in this, I can’t tell at all… Ah, I’m going to die!”

ㅤ”Struggle, struggle!”

ㅤAlmi desperately fumbled with the controller to shake off the zombie.

ㅤ”Aim the gun and shoot!”


ㅤBang, bang, bang, the pistol bullets hit the zombie.

ㅤ”Guns are amazing. I want one.”

ㅤAlmi, who is unfamiliar with guns, said.

ㅤ『We are considering manufacturing firearms. The gun itself is no problem, but it’s difficult to obtain gunpowder stably.』

ㅤ”I don’t really want to spread guns around though.”

ㅤOnce they become widespread, it would be difficult to regulate them.

ㅤ『In that case, we just need to control the distribution of sulfur and saltpeter, which are the raw materials for gunpowder. Apparently, part of Oda Nobunaga’s strength came from controlling trading cities and monopolizing the import of saltpeter.』

ㅤElminarsh seems to be enthusiastic about studying history as well.

ㅤ”Would guns become widespread in a world with magic?”

ㅤ『Once the manufacturing method is known, they would. Guns are much more affordable and less user-dependent than magic.』

ㅤ”Ahhh, Minato! This guy keeps chasing me!”

ㅤ”It’s not a guy, it’s a creature. You can’t defeat it now, so run.”

ㅤ”Why can’t I defeat it!?”

ㅤ”Because it’s that kind of enemy. You need a magnum or a grenade launcher to defeat it, I think.”

ㅤ”Heeen! Now it’s a dog!? My pistol won’t hit it!”

ㅤ”Press down on the D-pad while shooting.”

ㅤ”Why are the crows so strong!?”

ㅤ”It’s safe if you go inside, so run.”

ㅤ”Wasn’t this guy supposed to be an ally!?”

ㅤ”No, he was totally giving off a betrayal vibe.”

ㅤWhile enjoying Almi’s wonderful reactions, I enjoyed my long-awaited vacation.

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life

The Unfortunate Girl Wants an Easy Mode in Her Second Life

Score 6
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Released: 2017 Native Language: Japanese
Minato, a 16-year-old girl burdened by a lifetime of misfortune, meets an untimely end at the hands of her own father. Instead of finding peace in death, she’s met by a well-meaning but naive God who offers her reincarnation into a fantasy world filled with magic and adventure. Minato, jaded by her past, initially refuses, but God insists, granting her a special power: the ability to change the difficulty of her new life, just like in a video game. Reincarnated into the body of a young girl, Minato finds herself in a harsh and dangerous world where she’s immediately captured by goblins. Using her “Difficulty Change” ability, she effortlessly escapes and sets off on a journey to navigate this strange new world. Along the way, she discovers a hidden talent for both thievery and magic, garnering the attention of various guilds and adventurers, including the headstrong Latifa, an illegitimate noblewoman determined to win the prince’s heart.


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not work with dark mode